ID                   = CDS/P/DES-DR2/ColorIRG
hips_doi             = 10.26093/cds/aladin/r8cm-r0
hips_initial_fov     = 0.3
hips_initial_ra      = 31.5154083
hips_initial_dec     = -27.4936367
moc_sky_fraction     = 0.1261
creator_did          = ivo://CDS/P/DES-DR2/ColorIRG
hips_creator         = Boch T. (CDS)
hips_copyright       = Universite de Strasbourg/CNRS
obs_title            = DES-DR2 ColorIRG
obs_collection       = DES-DR2 ColorIRG
obs_description      = The second public data release of the Dark Energy Survey, DES DR2, based on optical/near-infrared imaging by the Dark Energy Camera mounted on the 4 m Blanco telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. DES DR2 includes ~691 million distinct astronomical objects detected in 10,169 coadded image tiles of size 0.534 deg2 produced from 76,217 single epoch images.
obs_ack              =
prov_progenitor      =
bib_reference        = 2021ApJS..255...20A
bib_reference_url    =
obs_copyright        = DECaM Plane Survey / NOAO
obs_copyright_url    =
client_category      = Image/Optical/DES
t_min                = 56519
t_max                = 58492
obs_regime           = Optical
em_min               = 3.939e-7
em_max               = 8.646e-7
hips_builder         = Aladin/HipsGen v12.033
hips_version         = 1.4
hips_release_date    = 2023-02-22T01:30Z
hips_frame           = equatorial
hips_order           = 11
hips_order_min       = 0
hips_tile_width      = 512
hips_tile_format     = png
hips_status          = public master clonableOnce
hips_pixel_scale     = 5.591E-5
dataproduct_type     = image
hips_rgb_red         = DES-DR2 i [lupton min=0.02 scale=0.005 Q=30.0]
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hips_rgb_blue        = DES-DR2 g [lupton min=0.02 scale=0.007 Q=30.0]
hipsgen_date         = 2023-02-15T10:28Z
hipsgen_params       = inRed=../CDS_P_DES-DR2_i inGreen=../CDS_P_DES-DR2_r inBlue=../CDS_P_DES-DR2_g color=png luptonM=0.02 luptonS=0.005/0.005/0.007 luptonQ=30.0 id=cds/P/DES-DR2/ColorIRG out=./CDS_P_DES-DR2_ColorIRG -maxthread=12 RGB
hips_creation_date   = 2023-02-15T10:28Z
hipsgen_date_1       = 2023-02-15T14:00Z
hipsgen_params_1     = inRed=../CDS_P_DES-DR2_i inGreen=../CDS_P_DES-DR2_r inBlue=../CDS_P_DES-DR2_g color=png luptonM=0.02 luptonS=0.005/0.005/0.007 luptonQ=30.0 id=cds/P/DES-DR2/ColorIRG out=./CDS_P_DES-DR2_ColorIRG -maxthread=12 tree
hips_overlay         = overlayMean mergeOverwriteTile treeMedian
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hips_service_url     =
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hips_status_1        = public mirror clonableOnce
moc_type             = stmoc
moc_time_order       = 25
moc_time_range       = 1
moc_order            = 11
obs_initial_ra       = 31.5154083
obs_initial_dec      = -27.4936367
obs_initial_fov      = 0.028629053431811713
TIMESTAMP            = 1721288494130