ID                   = CDS/P/DESI-Legacy-Surveys/DR10/color
hips_doi             = 10.26093/cds/aladin/k3kq-9e
creator_did          = ivo://CDS/P/DESI-Legacy-Surveys/DR10/color
client_category      = Image/Optical/Legacy Surveys
hips_creator         = Boch T. (CDS)
hips_copyright       = Universite de Strasbourg/CNRS
obs_title            = DESI Legacy Surveys color (g, r, i, z)
obs_collection       = DESI Legacy Surveys
obs_description      = The DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys ( are a combination of three public projects (the Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey, the Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey, and the Mayall z-band Legacy Survey) that will jointly image ?14,000 deg2 of the extragalactic sky visible from the northern hemisphere in three optical bands (g, r, and z) using telescopes at the Kitt Peak National Observatory and the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory. The combined survey footprint is split into two contiguous areas by the Galactic plane. The optical imaging is conducted using a unique strategy of dynamically adjusting the exposure times and pointing selection during observing that results in a survey of nearly uniform depth. As of DR10, the Legacy Surveys inference model is being self-consistently expanded to > 20,000 square degrees by incorporating additional DECam data from NOIRLab that includes extra optical bands (g, r, i, z).
obs_ack              =
prov_progenitor      =
bib_reference        = 2019AJ....157..168D
bib_reference_url    =
obs_copyright        = DESI Imaging Legacy Surveys
obs_copyright_url    =
obs_regime           = Optical
em_min               = 3.9e-7
em_max               = 1.02e-6
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dataproduct_type     = image
hipsgen_date         = 2023-03-08T08:10Z
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hips_release_date    = 2023-03-10T08:55Z
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hips_creation_date   = 2023-03-08T14:03Z
hipsgen_date_2       = 2023-03-09T07:40Z
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hipsgen_date_5       = 2023-03-10T08:54Z
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obs_initial_ra       = 190.0040433
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TIMESTAMP            = 1721288494274