ID                   = CDS/P/SHASSA/FL
creator_did          = ivo://CDS/P/SHASSA/FL
obs_collection       = SHASSA FL
obs_title            = SHASSA FL - Continuum subtract.
obs_description      = The Southern H-Alpha Sky Survey Atlas is the product of a wide-angle digital imaging survey of the H-alpha emission from the warm ionized interstellar gas of our Galaxy. This atlas covers the southern hemisphere sky (declinations less than +15 degrees). The observations were taken with a robotic camera operating at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) in Chile.
obs_copyright        = By courtesy of Swarthmore College Incorporated
client_category      = Image/Gas-lines/Halpha
client_sort_key      = 06-02-03
hips_creation_date   = 2011-02-01T12:00Z
hips_release_date    = 2019-05-05T07:17Z
hips_builder         = Aladin/HipsGen v10.123
hips_creator         = CDS
hips_version         = 1.4
hips_order           = 4
hips_frame           = galactic
hips_tile_width      = 512
hips_tile_format     = png jpeg fits
dataproduct_type     = image
hips_pixel_cut       = -200 5000
moc_access_url       =
hips_status          = public master clonableOnce
hips_initial_fov     = 1.0921117184376416E-7
hips_initial_ra      = 45.0
hips_initial_dec     = 7.114779961355992E-8
hips_copyright       = By courtesy of Swarthmore College Incorporated
obs_ack              = the Southern H-Alpha Sky Survey Atlas (SHASSA), which is supported by the National Science Foundation
prov_progenitor      = SHASSA
bib_reference        = 2001PASP..113.1326G
bib_reference_url    =
obs_copyright_url    =
t_min                = 50753
t_max                = 51847
obs_regime           = Optical
em_min               = 6.56e-7
em_max               = 6.56e-7
hips_pixel_scale     = 0.007157
moc_sky_fraction     = 1
hips_estsize         = 4504376
hips_order_min       = 0
hips_pixel_bitpix    = 32
hipsgen_date         = 2019-05-05T07:17Z
hipsgen_params       = out=/asd-volumes/sc1-asd-volume10/SHASSA-v2/SHASSA-FL UPDATE
hips_service_url     =
hips_service_url_1   =
hips_status_1        = public mirror clonableOnce
TIMESTAMP            = 1721288418946