ID                   = ESAVO/P/EXOSAT/all
creator_did          = ivo://ESAVO/P/EXOSAT/all
obs_id               = P/EXOSAT
obs_collection       = EXOSAT-LE
obs_title            = Images from the EXOSAT Low Energy Telescopes
obs_description      = EXOSAT-LE CMA1 and CMA2 images. The map includes all observations made with the 3000Lexan (3Lex) filter.Images taken with other filters are included only when no 3Lex image is available (only one image per pointing).
obs_ack              = Original data retrieved from HEASARC. They are the same data distributed in the EXOSAT CD-ROM Vol. 1
prov_progenitor      =
bib_reference        = 1984PhST....7..216P
bib_reference_url    =
obs_copyright        = ESA/NASA-HEASARC
obs_copyright_url    =
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hips_release_date    = 2019-07-31T09:31Z
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TIMESTAMP            = 1721288727033