ID                   = JAXA/P/SUZAKU/XIS/Image
hips_release_date    = 2023-01-17T06:54Z
obs_collection       = SUZAKU
hips_tile_format     = png
hips_frame           = equatorial
creator_did          = ivo://JAXA/P/SUZAKU/XIS/Image
hips_creator         = JAXA/ISAS DARTS
hips_copyright       = Public
obs_title            = Suzaku public data image
obs_description      = Superposition of Suzaku pseudo-color images, no exposure correction.
obs_ack              = Suzaku observatory by JAXA/ISAS
prov_progenitor      = RGB images are created from Suzaku public event files (processing ver3.0), where R is 0.4-1.5 keV, G is 1.5-4 keV and B is 4-10 keV.
bib_reference        = 2007PASJ...59S...1M
bib_reference_url    =
obs_copyright        = DARTS at JAXA/ISAS
obs_copyright_url    =
t_min                = 53593
t_max                = 57172
obs_regime           = X-ray
em_min               = 1.2e-10
em_max               = 3.1e-9
hips_builder         = Aladin/HipsGen v11.032
hips_version         = 1.4
hips_order           = 5
hips_order_min       = 0
hips_tile_width      = 512
hips_service_url     =
hips_status          = public master clonableOnce
hips_pixel_scale     = 0.003579
dataproduct_type     = image
moc_sky_fraction     = 0.123
hips_estsize         = 10211
hipsgen_date         = 2023-01-17T06:51Z
hipsgen_params       = RGB
hips_creation_date   = 2023-01-17T06:51Z
hips_hierarchy       = median
hips_initial_fov     = 0.4580648549089874
hips_initial_ra      = 47.109375
hips_initial_dec     = 3.8823720030295705
dataproduct_subtype  = color
moc_type             = stmoc
moc_time_order       = 25
moc_time_range       = 1
moc_order            = 7
obs_initial_ra       = 47.109375
obs_initial_dec      = 3.8823720030295705
obs_initial_fov      = 0.4580648549089874
TIMESTAMP            = 1727856810805