[MocServer info] Version: v5.10 - June 2024 [Query parameters (.../query?xxx)] help - This help. help=version => MocServer version number RA - Input Cone Search righ ascension in degrees ICRS (see IVOA CS REC) DEC - Input Cone Search declination in degrees ICRS (see IVOA CS REC) SR - Input Cone Search radius in degrees (see IVOA CS REC) TIME - Input Cone Search time range as two MJD numbers (see IVOA CS REC&WD) stc - Input STC polygon or circle region (see IVOA STC-S note) moc - Input Inline SMOC, TMOC or STMOC (see IVOA MOC REC&WD) spacesys - Input space system timesys - Input time system url - Input MOC url (FITS, ASCII or JSON syntax - see IVOA MOC REC&WD) intersect - Input MOC intersection constraint: overlaps, enclosed, covers expr - Input filter by expression (ex: obs_title=*NASA*,*CDS* && hips_service_url!=http://aladin*) get - Output result: id, record, number, smoc, tmoc, stmoc, anymoc (deprecated: moc, umoc, imoc) fmt - Output format: ascii, json, fits, (deprecated: asciic, glu) order - Output MOC order limit (ex1: t32 s13, ex2: 1MB) op - Output MOC operation: union, intersection fields - Output record fields: (ex: ID,obs_title,hips_service* casesensitive - Output record fields case: true, false MAXREC - Output record number callback - [deprecated] Output callback JSON function POS - [deprecated] => use Cone Search query SIZE - [deprecated] => use Cone Search query [Configuration parameters (mocserver.conf file)] HarvestMode - Harvest mode (*manual*|auto|slave). manual: harvesting process is controlled manually via Admin form auto: harvesting process is automatic and can be controlled via Admin form slave: MocServer is running as slave => use/reuse /data/Moc/multimoc.bin as it is. No Admin control form HarvestDelay - Delay between two automatic harvests (in sec - default 86400) => see HarvestMode = auto MaxMemPerMoc - Maximum MB per MOC in RAM (=> decrease the MocOrder if too big - default 30) MaxMemResultMoc - Maximum MB for a result MOC (default 500) MaxBackup - Number of Multimoc.bin backups (default 9) MaxHistory - Number of Pilot.html history (default 9)