hips_doi = 10.26093/cds/aladin/398e-2je creator_did = ivo://CDS/P/2MASS6X/color obs_title = 2MASS6X color J (1.23um) & K (2.16um) obs_description = During the final months of 2MASS observatory operations, a campaign of targeted "long exposure" observations was carried out during times when no previously unscanned parts of the sky were available for the main survey. These observations used the same freeze-frame scanning technique employed for the survey, but with READ2-READ1 exposures six times longer than was used for normal survey observations (hence they are referred to as "6x" observations). The 2MASS 6x measurements were intended to probe ~1 magnitude deeper than the main survey in unconfused regions. Approximately 590 deg2 of sky distributed in 30 targeted regions were scanned at least once using the long exposures. Most of this area is concentrated in two large, comprehensive surveys of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, 383 deg2 and 127 deg2, respectively. Twenty-eight additional smaller fields were mapped in the 6x mode from both observatories, covering targets that include the Pleiades open cluster, galactic star formation complexes, M31, nearby galaxy clusters and the Lockman Hole. obs_provenance = Colored HiPS built by CDS hips_creator = Fernique P. (CDS) obs_copyright_url = http://www.ipac.caltech.edu/2mass/releases/allsky/doc/seca3_1.html prov_progenitor = IPAC/NASA client_category = Image/Infrared/2MASS/2MASS6X client_sort_key = 04-001-99-00 obs_collection = 2MASS6X color obs_ack = University of Massachusetts & IPAC/Caltech - colored composition by CDS bib_reference = 2006AJ....131.1163S bib_reference_url = http://cdsbib.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/cdsbib?2006AJ....131.1163S obs_copyright = University of Massachusetts & IPAC/Caltech t_min = 51488 t_max = 51955 obs_regime = Infrared em_min = 1.147E-6 em_max = 2.303E-6 hips_builder = Aladin/HipsGen v10.123 hips_version = 1.4 hips_release_date = 2019-05-05T04:46Z hips_frame = equatorial hips_order = 9 hips_tile_width = 512 hips_status = public master clonableOnce hips_pixel_scale = 2.236E-4 dataproduct_type = image hips_rgb_red = 2MASS6X J [-1.335 19.4225 40.18 Linear] hips_rgb_blue = 2MASS6X K [-9.683 30.2185 70.12 Linear] hips_estsize = 56370593 hips_creation_date = 2017-03-28T09:49Z hips_hierarchy = median hips_tile_format = png hipsgen_date = 2017-03-28T12:31Z hipsgen_params = out=2MASS6X_color id=CDS/P/2MASS6X/color UPDATE hips_initial_fov = 6.0 hips_initial_ra = 80.4118332 hips_initial_dec = -69.6132765 #hips_copyright = Copyright mention of the HiPS hips_order_min = 0 #hips_service_url = ex: http://yourHipsServer/2MASS6X color dataproduct_subtype = color moc_sky_fraction = 0.013163566589355469 hipsgen_date_1 = 2019-05-05T04:46Z hipsgen_params_1 = out=/asd-volumes/sc1-asd-volume10/2MASS6X/2MASS6X_color UPDATE