"DEBRIS 350" progressive survey

This Web resource contains HiPS(*) components for DEBRIS 350 progressive survey.
  • Label: DEBRIS 350
  • Type: HiPS image
  • Best pixel angular resolution: 12.88"
  • Max tile order: 5 (NSIDE=32)
  • Available encoding tiles: png jpeg fits
  • Tile size: 512x512
  • FITS tile BITPIX: -32
  • Processing date: 2019-10-03T12:16Z
  • HiPS builder: Aladin/HipsGen v10.130
  • Coordinate frame: galactic
  • Sky area: 100.0% of sky => 41253°^2
  • Associated coverage map: MOC
  • Property file: properties
  • Base URL:

This survey can be displayed by Aladin Lite (see above), by Aladin Desktop client (just open the base URL)
or any other HiPS aware clients.
(*) HiPS is a recommended International Virtual Observatory Alliance standard:HiPS REC. The HiPS technology allows a dedicated client to access an astronomical survey at any location and at any scale. HiPS has been invented by CDS-Université de Strasbourg/CNRS (2015A&A...578A.114F). It is based on HEALPix sky tessellation and it is designed for astronomical scientifical usages (low distorsion, true pixel values...).